Democratic Precinct 40 Chair Craig Rogers. Victoria, wife, is the Community Organizer for Precinct 40 and the Secretary for the Coastal Bend Tejano Democrats. You can reach us at 361-548-6804.
Every Monday morning at 10 am we have a like-minded coffee at the Island Starbucks outside.
The first Tuesday of each month we have an evening Island Democrates Business Precinct Meeting. (excluding Tuesdays set up for Voting) Location varies depending on time of year. Call/text Victoria for details.
The third Thursday of each month we have an evening Island Democrates Precinct Social Meeting. Usually on the beach – weather permitting. Call/text Victoria for location.
If you need help, please call us: 361-548-6804. If we can’t answer your question, we will find someone who can. If you need signs, buttons, voter registration cards, etc. – let us know and we will assist you.

Past Meeting Agendas