The "Woman Suffrage Procession" was the first suffragist parade in Washington, DC. Organized by the suffragist Alice Paul for the National American Woman Suffrage Association, it saw thousands of suffragists marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC on Monday, March 3, 1913. Presaging the circumstances surrounding the 2017 Women's March just over 100 years later, … Continue reading "Woman Suffrage Procession Anniversary"
#OnThisDay in 1918, the Texas Senate (during the 36 legislative sessions) passed HB-105 by a vote of 18-4. The bill granted women the right to vote in (white) Texas Primaries. The bill was firsts passed in the TX House on March 15, 1918 by a vote of 84-34. Governor William P. Hobby signed the bill … Continue reading "TX Senate Passes Bill Granting Women the Right to Vote in Primaries"
The League of Women Voters is strictly nonpartisan; it neither supports nor opposes candidates for office at any level of government. At the same time the League works wholeheartedly to influence policy through education and advocacy. They meet the third Thursday of every month. Contact Info for Corpus Christi League of Women Voters +1 361-445-4436 … Continue reading "Corpus Christi League of Women Voters Monthly Meeting"
#OnThis day in 1971, the 26th Amendment was passed by Congress. This amendment was enacted in response to Vietnam War protests, which argued that soldiers who were old enough to fight for their country should be granted the right to vote.' The amendment was passed by Congress (proposed to the states) on March 23, 1971, … Continue reading "26th Amendment Passed by Congress (1971): 18-21 Granted Right to Vote"